KERV Collaborates with IAB for Data-Driven Video Best Practices Guide

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KERV is a proud contributor to the IAB – Interactive Advertising Bureau Data-Driven Video Best Practices guide alongside companies such as ABC, Adobe, CBS, Google, Hulu, NBC, SpotX, Sony, Verizon and more. The marketer’s guide is a valuable industry resource for professionals to learn about the state of data-driven video along with benefits, best practices, tips, etc.

Check out this important industry document, and see KERV’s three featured campaign examples for Carhartt, eBay and Fisher & Paykel. The following information was taken from Click the button below to see the full PDF.

Project Overview

As data fuels the digital advertising ecosystem and video consumption continue to rise, data-driven video is emerging as a powerful marketing tactic and strategy that enables brands to deliver innovative storytelling. The goal of this best practices document is to illustrate how marketers can utilize data to inform not only targeting efforts but the actual video assets and creative messaging. This document highlights the state of data-driven video, marketer benefits, tips for how to get started, best practices, and more.

IAB compiled data-driven video case studies to bring to life how data can be used to inform the video creative itself. These case studies showcase a variety of tactics and span across multiple brand verticals. Click here to view the video assets and learn about the campaign goals, data sets that were utilized, and results.

Data-Driven Video Overview

Data-driven video (DDV) is both a strategy and a tactic that allows marketers to use available data to deliver tailored advertising through precise audience targeting and personalized video creative that allows for permutations based on signals about the audience or other external factors. Underlying this strategy are two fundamental questions: who do you want to show this ad to and what messaging will move this individual to take a step towards the next best action?

IAB Data Driven Video

(Source: Flashtalking)

Growth of Data-Driven Video


  • Consumers like personalization: According to an Epsilon study, 80% of respondents indicated they are more likely to do business with a company if it offers personalized experiences and 90% indicated that they find personalization appealing (Source: Epsilon, The power of me: The impact of personalization on marketing performance, 2018)
  • Personalized video can result in more efficient media planning: By serving more relevant ads, marketers will be able to serve fewer, more impactful impressions.
  • Data-driven video drives engagement: According to Innovid, there was a 78% lift in engagement rate on DDV campaigns compared to traditional pre-roll video ads (Source: Innovid, 2018 Global Video Benchmarks).
  • Marketers pursue DDV to drive sales and lifetime value: According to a Verndale survey, personalization is most important for increasing sales and improving customer satisfaction and retention (Source: Verndale, Jan 2018). In addition, a SundaySky study revealed that personalized video experiences can improve Net Promoter Scores, which measure customer loyalty to a brand, by 48 points or more (Source: SundaySky, A Study of Personalized Videos Deployed by F500 Brands, February 2019).

Data Signals Used to Inform Targeting and Creative

  • Contextual: page-level content via semantic analysis (i.e. headlines, article content) or video-level content
  • Demographics (age/sex)
  • Device level data (device make/model, browser, operating system)
  • First-party (CRM, product feeds, etc.)
  • Location data
  • Prior ad exposure (enables sequential messaging)
  • Psychographics
  • Purchase history
  • Real time data (sports scores, stock tickers, weather, etc.)
  • Site behavior (browsing history, cart information)
  • Viewer Behavior (interactions, engagement, time spent with interactive elements)
  • Viewer Information (first name, birth date)
  • And more

Considerations for Implementing a Data‑Driven Video Strategy

IAB Data Driven Video

Capabilities Differ Based on Channel and Platform

Best Practices

  • Data informs both audience and creative: Use data to identify different audiences and apply meaningful creative executions for each audience segment.
  • Always consider where your ad will be seen:Think about how the video ad will fit into the multi‑screen ecosystem, take advantage of each screen’s strength, and consider the technology you can leverage to personalize your video.
  • Think about the consumer journey: Messaging should change throughout the consumer journey. Feature the next best action for the viewer based on their engagement with the brand.
  • Ensure data strategy is compliant with privacy regulation (i.e. GDPR, CCPA): First‑party data will be most impacted by privacy regulation so marketers should build a strategy that is not 100% reliant on first‑party data. One suggestion is to create a cascading logic for your data strategy. For example, first‑party data can be the priority data set but if the marketer can’t use it, they can then flow down to another type of data like contextual.


  • Data management: Keeping first‑party data organized and determining how to segment your own audiences can be challenging.
  • Data quality: It is necessary to vet third‑party data sets to ensure that the vendor’s segmentation and modeling methods are sound and data is fresh. For more info, visit
  • Lack of resources: According to a Sailthru survey of UK and US marketers, more than 4 in 10 respondents said that a lack of time, people and money has inhibited their personalization efforts (Source: Sailthru, October 2017). Note: Vendors that offer managed services can alleviate resource challenges and help get personalization programs off the ground.
  • Regulatory issues: As much as marketers are focused on reaching the right people, be mindful of also avoiding the wrong people (i.e. follow COPPA regulation, Legal Drinking Age (LDA) compliance)

Ad Delivery Considerations

VAST: VAST 4.x (i.e. VAST 4.0 and beyond) introduces the concept of “Ad Requests” and “VAST Interactive Templates” – both of which can be used to support some level of dynamic content.
VPAID (Note: The spec for interactive ads will transition from VPAID to SIMID): VPAID enables more complex levels of interaction for data‑driven video. For example, VPAID ad units can change in response to user interaction.


  • Go beyond the click: Traditional KPIs like video completion rate and clicks should be balanced against more accurate determinations of success, like conversions for performance‑based campaigns, and time‑spent, for branding and awareness campaigns.
  • Establish benchmarks: Marketers can create benchmarks by conducting A/B testing. For example, run a generic version of the video first to establish benchmark for drop off and conversion rates. Then run the optimized video to understand how it performs against the benchmark.
  • Test and iterate: Check campaign performance on a weekly or bi‑weekly basis and adjust your strategy based on performance. Testing can be as simple as an A/B test or as sophisticated as a multivariate test.

Data‑Driven Video Case Studies

The following interactive video case studies are examples from KERV Interactive. Click here for the full list of case studies.

1. Carhartt + KERV Interactive

  • Campaign Goal: Drive traffic to Carhartt’s web site through interactive features in order to drive sales and raise awareness
  • Data: Viewer behavior. Insights were gained regarding what specific Carhartt clothing items consumers were interacting with in the original Carhartt video asset. The viewer was served a sequential ad based on what Carhartt item they interacted with. The personalized video example provided was served to someone who interacted with the Carhartt jacket in the original video.
  • Results: CTR: 2% CTR on personalized video versus 1% on original asset. Interaction Rate: 7% on personalized video versus 5% on original asset. Average time spent interacting with video: 45 sec with personalized video versus 30 seconds with original asset. Average time spent interacting with objects: 127 seconds.
    • “Interaction Rate” Definition: Sum of all brand interactions within the video (against impressions). Interactions include scene saves, frame selects, object highlights (which have a qualified timer), object links, button clicks.
    • “Average time spent interacting with video” definition: It is the difference between the first interactive time stamp and the last active time stamp within the player. Examples usually begin with either the Scene Save or Frame Select and the last time stamp is either a complete, a skip or a link out exit.
    • “Average time spent interacting with objects” definition: The first time stamp fires when a user either clicks or taps on the object within the paused frame, when the user exits the text box or hovers off, there is an exit time stamp for this calculation. KERV Interactive then formulates the differences of these time stamps, by object, to determine average object level time spent or time spent interacting with a specific object.

2. Fisher & Paykel

  • Campaign Goal: Qualified clicks to site and time on‑site.
  • Data: Viewer behavior, KERV Interactive targeted specific groups of interactors and excluded users who had already clicked out of the video asset.
  • Results: 2.61% CTR on personalized video versus of 0.14% on original asset. 20% Interaction Rate versus 0.62% on original asset.
    • “Interaction Rate” Definition: Sum of all brand interactions within the video (against impressions). Interactions include scene saves, frame selects, object highlights (which have a qualified timer), object links, button clicks.

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VP, Product Management

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Devin Monds
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    Bill Roberson
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    Grant Gorton
    VP, UX & Design

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    Chief Financial Officer

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    A native of the New York City area, Michael resides with his wife where he enjoys biking, tennis and spending time with his wife and three adult children.

    Taylor Pate
    Chief Technology Officer

    Taylor Pate is the CTO at KERV Interactive, with over 16 years of experience in the advertising and creative industry, known among his peers as a technical and creative powerhouse.

    Taylor’s career began in 2008 as an animator and art director, specializing in the design and production of interactive art. He created 3D illustrations for advertisers such as HP and Dell, and developed 3D animations and tools for top video game series including Club Penguin and The Sims.

    Transitioning to focus on automation, e-commerce, and software development, Taylor joined LIN Digital in Austin, Texas. Over five years, he built a powerful framework to automate the production of thousands of rich media ads annually, developed high-performance ads for major brands, and led the engineering of PHNX, the company’s order management system that processed millions of dollars in ad campaigns monthly. He concluded his tenure at Nexstar Digital as Director of Engineering, leading a team of over 16 engineers and product managers before taking on his current role at KERV Interactive.

    Jay Wolff
    Chief Revenue Officer

    Jay Wolff is currently the Chief Revenue Officer at KERV Interactive, leading global revenue and partnerships. In addition to KERV, Jay is the President of 212NYC, New York’s leading organization for the digital advertising and the media industry. 212NYC’s mission is to build a better advertising industry by providing the programming, tools, and thought leadership to help move the industry forward.

    Jay’s expertise in scaling significant revenue and partner growth in the advertising industry spans 20 years. Most recently, Jay served as Chief Revenue Officer of Varick Media, and Chief Growth Officer at Boostr, the first end-to-end SaaS revenue management system for media companies. Previously, as Regional Vice President of SambaTV, Wolff built the revenue organization and east coast market from the ground up to $100M in revenue. Jay has been tapped for industry thought leadership and panel participation by the likes of Mediapost, Ad Age, and Digiday. 

    Prior to joining SambaTV, Wolff served as Vice President of agency and brand partnerships at PulsePoint; instrumental to the merger of ContextWeb and Datran Media.

    Originally from Armonk, NY, Jay holds a BS in Marketing from Syracuse University and a Certificate of Management from the University of Chicago. Jay resides in Rye Brook, NY with his wife, darling daughter, Olivia, and newborn son, Logan.

    Dan Bienenfeld

    Dan Bienenfeld is currently the Co-Founder and President of KERV Interactive and a seasoned serial entrepreneur who has built startups for more than 35 years. Before joining KERV he has founded seven startups and architected successful exits for a number of them. For four years, he served as CEO of TimeCard Specialists, which created a cutting-edge time attendance software app that streamlined payroll for union members in the TV, film, and commercial industries. TimeCard Specialists was sold in 2016.

    Before that, he was CEO of Total Vision Care for nearly eight years. Total Vision Care built one of the largest mobile diagnostic services in eye care. This service provided ophthalmologists & optometrists with state of the art equipment and licensed technicians right in their own practice to diagnose various eye diseases.

    Gary Mittman
    Chief Executive Officer

    Gary Mittman is currently the Co-Founder and CEO of KERV Interactive and brings more than 30 years in technology and direct marketing, as well as substantial experience in building startups to exit with creativity and agile development. Before joining KERV he held numerous top-ranking leadership roles; Founder & President of Nami Media (which was acquired by Lin/Nexstar Media Group), CEO & Founder of Marina Communications (also acquired), and Vice President of New Business Development – Direct Response at Western International Media leading the team in the new frontier of Infomercials.

    Gary brings a decade of experience in the entertainment industry, including managing all tier one acts booking for New York City’s premiere performance nightclub “The Ritz” as its Executive Manager and Booking Agent, Executive Producer of the first MTV concert series “Live At The Ritz”, a Professional Manager at Chappell Music Publishing, and started out as an Assistant to legendary Clive Davis at Arista Records.

    Andi Fenster

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    “We, each, have tremendous potential and the abilities to level‑up if we choose to understand how to get the support we need to get us there. Helping talent thrive and helping them create success is my reason for doing what I do.”

    Marika Roque
    Chief Innovation Officer

    Marika Roque is currently in her second year as the Chief Innovation Officer at KERV Interactive, following four years as the company’s Chief Operating Officer. She is recognized for her expertise in digital media, data, and organizational infrastructures, with over 15 years of professional leadership experience. Prior to joining KERV, Marika worked as the Vice President of Digital Operations for Mass², a division of the multi-billion-dollar corporation Nexstar Digital LLC. Before that, she served as Vice President of Digital Media & Activation at LIN Digital and Nexstar, leading several departments while advising leadership on digital strategy during multiple acquisitions, including Media General, LKQD, Yashi, Dedicated Media, Federated Media, etc..

    Marika has held senior-level positions with leading agency and digital technology teams in Austin, Texas, including Sizmek and GSD&M, a subsidiary of the Omnicom Group. She also spent several years in Chicago working for FCB Global and Starcom MediaVest Group, a division of the Publicis Groupe. At Starcom, she played a key role in creating the first agency-side programmatic pipelines, contributing to what the industry now refers to as an agency trading desk. Her extensive experience in programmatic advertising dates back to its inception. She also worked on global client strategy and activation for brands like Newell Rubbermaid and their subsidiaries, including Paper Mate and Sharpie, as well as Microsoft B2B. 

    Marika holds a bachelor’s degree in advertising from The University of Texas at Austin, where she was also a Division I collegiate athlete. Hook ’em.